This is the thoughts section. Anything here is by me. Like everything else on this site, the only theme is no theme at all.
Personal Customization: Digital customization related pages.
Listfauxgraphy: Not quite Listography, but pretty similar.
Listfauxgraphy Color Schemes: Download and edit as you wish.
Layout: All layouts posted here are intended for desktop and mobile.
My Ambient Mixes: Links to mixes I've made on and 60min downloads, if I've purchased one.
Childhood Fears: A list of things I was afraid of once as a young child.
Confessions Corner: Amusing confessions. Shh, don't tell anyone!
Dream Journal: A collection of dreams and dream themes.
Photo Album: An album of some photos I took.
Reviews: Reviews over a variety of random things.
Saiyuki Transparents: Made some transparents from Saiyuki manga art.
Greenwashing List: Common greenwashing techniques. Updated as I think of more.
Greenwashing You Love to Spread: Killer Cats: A rant about birdwatchers, greenwashing, and cat-haters.
B Nib Friendly Brands: Ranked from excellent to bad, a collection of notes on how different papers I've tried have faired with B nibs.
Pen + Inks Tried: Exactly what it says. A list of all the fountain pens and inks I've tried over the years.
Favorite Inks: My personal favorite inks, with photos of what they look like on paper for reference.
Fun with Ancestry Data: Results from my Ancestry DNA test and that of some of my family members. Keeping this here to see how it shifts over the years with new updates.
Hall of Shame: Wonderful messages from people who help make the web better with their beautiful SEO tactics.
He is Bison: In tribute of a memory of a specific Easter.